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Top Job Boards for Nonprofits

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Not all recruiting websites are equal. That’s why finding the right employees for your nonprofit can be difficult. That is, unless you’re using one of the following top job boards made for nonprofit organizations. Not only is it important to find an employee with the right experience and skills, but also someone who believes in your vision and mission.

Nonprofit job boards can help you narrow down the search, streamlining the entire hiring process. It also saves you time, money, and energy in the long run. Check out the following job board sites to help you fill open positions for your nonprofit organization.

5 Top Job Boards for Nonprofit Organizations

1. Idealist

The folks over at Idealist know a thing or two about working with nonprofit organizations (after all – they are a nonprofit themselves!) Their comprehensive job board has over 7,000 positions, 300 internships, and a quarter million volunteer opportunities. With with over 1.3 million visitors to the site each month, they’re also one of the most useful resources and top job boards for recruiters.

After posting your job, you’ll be able to utilize Idealist’s Applicant Tracker to help you during every step of the hiring process. Keep track of candidates, review stats, and leave comments for other members of your team.

2. National Nonprofits

National Nonprofits is one of the most reputable recruiting websites for nonprofits. Although they’ve only been around for four years, they’re becoming a go-to resource for hiring all nonprofit employees.

As a recruiter, you’ll be able to create a custom company profile page, where you can share information, mission statements, and photos. Applicants will see this page when they view the job listing, allowing them to have a more comprehensive picture of your organization. You’ll also be able to use their recruiter dashboard to manage listings, organize candidates, and see stats on listing views.

3. ZipRecruiter

Although ZipRecruiter isn’t specifically focused on nonprofits jobs, they are still one of the top job boards for finding talent. That’s because ZipRecruiter sends your listing to over 100 different websites. That means you’ll be able to reach millions of potential job seekers around the world – many of whom might be in nonprofit work!

They also do the heavy lifting for you by using artificial intelligence technology. This helps by automatically connecting you with applicants who meet your specific requirements. You’ll get potential nonprofit applicants sent straight to your inbox without having to sort through all those resumes! Like the other top job boards on this list, ZipRecruiter also allows you to organize all your listings using their intuitive tracking system.

Learn more about how to post a job with ZipRecruiter with our getting started with ZipRecruiter guide.


Anyone who works in the nonprofit sector has inevitably heard of the Chronicles of Philanthropy. This online resource magazine features articles, opinion columns, and informative webinars, and covers a variety of topics, including charities, fundraising, world aid, and research. They also have a job section where you can advertise any opening you have in your company.

They aren’t the largest job board site out there, so your post won’t get lost in the sea of listings like with other job sites. It’s an excellent site if you’re looking to fill entry-level, executive, volunteer, or donor-related positions.


For over 25 years, has been one of the leading top job boards for people in the nonprofit industry. They work with hundreds of different organizations to find talented and engaged employees and volunteers. At the moment, they have a pool of approximately 10,000 active job seekers with some level of experience in the nonprofit sector.

Although they have three pricing plans, their premium plan is the best option if you want the most exposure for your listing. You’ll be promoted across the homepage, spotlighted on the job search results, and shared with all members and partners. So, whether you’re looking for administrative support, case management specialists, or fundraising marketers, make sure to check out for your hiring needs.

More Recruiting Resources

As we mentioned, using a nonprofit-specific job board site can be very useful when recruiting new employees. However, more traditional job sites like ZipRecruiter can also help you reach out to millions of potential job seekers and nonprofit employees as well. Recruiters can also find employees using the following recruiting platforms.


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