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Looking for children’s Valentines cards can prove difficult, especially when most people picture Valentine’s Day as a time to enjoy candlelit dinners, roses, chocolates, and time spent with the person who makes their soul feel most alive. But that’s not the only way people feel the love this time of year! In fact, if you have children, chances are their school is participating in a Valentine’s Day party where the kids will exchange cards, candy, and other small trinkets. It’s an opportunity for your kids to celebrate friendship and extend kindness to everyone. But often, Valentine’s Day cards are geared toward partners. Fortunately, we’ve found really cute and fun children’s Valentines cards that will make everyone they know feel special!
Children’s Valentines Cards
Disney’s Moana Hei Hei, Valentine!

Known for her pluck and fearless pursuit of her dreams, Moana has cemented herself as a role model for children learning to grow and thrive in a world filled with family, friends, and love. And while adults flocked to the theater this year to see flying witches and fierce gladiator battles, children were being inspired by this lovable heroine on the big screen.
So, add a little cheer to their day with the Disney’s Moana Hei Hei, Valentine! card. It features a pastel-like artistic rendering of Heihei, Moana’s bug-eyed chicken friend who brings much joy and laughter to the film. At the top, there’s a line to write the name of the recipient. Then, personalize it with your child’s name so that their friends know who it’s from!
Built to Be

Childhood friendships can be just as strong, beautiful, and impactful as adult ones! So, if your child has a friend or two with whom they enjoy spending time, consider getting them the Built to Be card, which is specifically designed to show love to friends!
The front of the card has a multi-colored artistic rendering of building blocks with the words “We’re built to be friends” written across them. At the top, there’s space for you to write the recipient’s name, and you can customize the card with your child’s name under the “From” section at the bottom.
So Sigma

Now, if you’re a parent to a Generation Alpha kid, there’s a fair chance you might have heard your child and their friends throwing “sigma” around. And no, your child likely didn’t suddenly become proficient in Greek or join a sorority or fraternity. Instead, sigma simply means “the best,” with undertones of “cool, independent, and popular.”
So, if you know your kid thinks their friends are the coolest thing since sliced bread, get them the So Sigma card for Valentine’s Day!

Like sigma, “slay” means show-stoppingly cool. If someone slays, they absolutely kill it in terms of personality, style, talent, or anything else that sets them apart.
The Slay card comes with two drawings of hearts that have “Bruh” and “You slay” written on them. Personalize it with your child’s name and a special message for the kid you’re sending it to.
Just a Card

As kids get older and start being interested in dating their peers, Valentine’s Day becomes more and more of a big deal. But what if your child wants to send a card to a non-romantic interest without sending any mixed signals?
That’s where Just a Card comes in. The front says “It’s just a card to get candy. Don’t make it weird. Happy Valentine’s Day” and includes a space for your child’s name.
Human Bean

This cute little card shows appreciation for you child’s friends by letting them know just how cool they are! On the front, you’ll find a jar filled with different colored beans, with one bean wearing sunglasses and standing out from the rest.
The right of the card has the words “You’re one cool human bean” written on it.
Wonderful Words

The only thing better than bringing a smile to their faces for a moment is the continued excitement they’ll have when they realize their card is also a puzzle! It reads “You are….” and then has the words “cool,” “awesome,” “rad,” “smart,” “funny,” “sweet,” “nice,” “friendly,” and “kind” arranged in a word search.
Share the Love
With these children’s Valentines cards, you’ll be able to spread the love to everyone in your child’s social circles. If you’re looking for more ways to make these special people feel appreciated, talk to your children about the importance of being kind and loving every day of the year.
Want to spread some love to your significant other, too? Take a look at these custom gifts!