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Exercise Makes You Younger! Here’s How

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There’s so many benefits to exercise that you can barely count them. It helps you lose weight, get out in nature, meet new people, and reduce several different health risks. There’s already a lot of reasons why you should find yourself the perfect workout to try. If you haven’t though, here’s one more reason why you should get your sneakers on and get moving.

Exercise Makes Your Heart Younger

Yes, it’s true. There have been recent studies that have shown that regular exercise can make your heart younger. Dr Ben Levine, a sports cardiologist at the University of Texas Medical Center studied the impact of exercise on the hearts of older people and found that it can actually make their hearts fitter.

Your heart, just like the rest of your body, will get stiffer and smaller as you age. This makes sense. It’s a muscle, just like all the others in your body. When you use your heart more, it becomes more pliable and effectively, younger.

When you age and your heart gets older, you’re more likely to experience breathlessness and other heart disease related symptoms. That’s why a study was conducted to see what exercise would do to the heart that was already ageing.

Participants in the study were asked to take part in high intensity workouts 4 days a week. They were all middle aged, healthy, but mostly sedentary. The results saw that their hearts were able to process oxygen more efficiently, making them younger and much healthier.


What This Means For You

So, does this mean you need to jump off the sofa and to the gym right away? Maybe. If you’re living a lifestyle that doesn’t involve much exercise, then you should certainly consider getting into a workout routine. Before you do though, it’s well worth looking into your health in general. Talk to a doctor and get a check up. They may be able to suggest certain exercises that will keep you healthy.

If you’re worried about keeping your body healthy and staying young, a good exercise regime is the best place to start. Pick a routine that works for you, and that you’re comfortable doing. The study used high intensity workouts, but if you feel you can’t start with them just look into doing a routine at your current skill level.


Exercises To Make You Feel Younger

Exercise Makes You Younger
Yoga as Exercise Makes You Younger

Where do you start? Do you go to the gym? Start running? It all depends on what you’re into. After all, you’re not going to keep up an exercise routine if you don’t enjoy it. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Yoga: Yoga is a fantastic place to start if you’ve never really had an exercise routine before. It’s relaxed, easy to get into, and seriously relaxing. Yes, really! If you want to give this a try, here are 10 yoga poses that you can try out before committing to classes or a daily yoga ritual.

Home workouts: If you don’t want to shell out for a gym membership, you’re in luck. There are so many home workouts online that you’ll never have to set foot on a treadmill. You can do it all in the comfort of your own home, where no one can get in the way of your workout! Try this home ab workout to start out, and take a look on Youtube for workout videos that you can follow.

Couples workouts: If you find it hard to stay motivated when you’re on your own, why not look into working out with someone else? This is great if a friend or loved one wants to get fit too. These couples workout ideas will get you started.

Create Your Own Routine

If you want to start feeling younger, you’ll want to start working out now. Everyone is different, so get advice if you feel you need it. A doctor can advise you on your current health, and a personal trainer can help you create a workout that’s right for you.

It’s amazing how good you can feel just after one workout. If you keep it up, your heart will thank you. Who knew you could turn back the clock on ageing after all?

Oh and don’t forget, while exercising, you should always feel comfortable in your clothes. make sure to get something that will allow you to workout and give it your all without making you feel sweaty or uncomfortable!

And last but not least, make sure you have just the gear/equipment you will need for your workout. This will help you workout within the comfort of your home and not have to go to the gym to do it!

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