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Try This 5-Move Couple’s Workout with Your Partner (You’ll Love #3!)


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Working out is tough, but a couple’s workout will make it less tough, more motivating, and tons more cute.

With that in mind, if you and your partner need some motivation to get toned, here’s a five-move couple’s workout for you and your partner to do at home.

What you need

What you need to know

Reps: Short for repetitions. Basically the completion of one exercise. For example, when you complete one push-up (i.e., starting in push-up position, lowering your body, and then raising it back to the starting position), that counts as one rep.

Set: A cycle indicating how many reps you must do to complete the cycle. For example, if an exercise requires you to do three sets of 12 reps, then completing 12 reps would count as one set. To complete three sets, you must do this three times.


Couple’s workout basics

This is a couple’s workout, so the two of you must work together to coordinate your movements. Your workout will be done in pyramid sets. That’s gym lingo for a decreasing amount of reps for each subsequent set (like a pyramid). So here’s what that looks like:

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 12 reps

Set 3: 10 reps

Set 4: 8 reps (optional set if you and your partner are beginners)

Once you complete all four (or three) sets, you and your partner will switch roles. And if 15, 12, and 10 reps seem like too much, then don’t worry! You can modify the numbers to make them more comfortable for the both of you.

Now, with all that out of the way, let’s get to the moves: push-up/sit-ups, hi-five push-ups, dips & sit-ups, squats & leg-press push-ups, and bicycle crunches.


Place two yoga mats next to each other vertically. Have one partner lay down in sit-up position on the uppermost mat. The other partner will get in push-up position on the other mat. This will be your starting position. The push-up partner will push down on the other partner’s feet to support them as they do sit-ups. The partner in push-up position will begin first with a push-up. Once they near the ground, the other partner may start with their sit-up. When the push-up partner gets up, the sit-up partner will curl to the ground. This counts as one rep. Keep this pace. As a rule of thumb: when one partner nears the ground, the other must rise in the air. Repeat in pyramid sets. Once all sets are completed, switch roles and repeat sets.

Hi-five push-ups

Space the yoga mats about three to four inches apart, keeping them vertical like in the push-ups/sit-ups exercise. Both partners will get in push-up position, facing each other. This is your starting position. Both partners will push down simultaneously, and come back up simultaneously. Once both partners are up, they will hi-five each other using the corresponding hands, keeping their hands low. For example, both partners will always touch their right hands together and their left hands together. This counts as one rep. Repeat until all sets are completed. Once all sets are completed, switch roles and repeat sets.

Dips & sit-ups

Place the yoga mats together like they were in the first exercise. Have one partner get in sit-up position, with their feet at the edge of the second mat. Have the other face away from the sit-up partner and have them rest their hands on the other’s knees. Lean back until only your heels are touching the mat. This is your starting position. The sit-up partner will do sit-ups, while the other will dip down using their arms and dip back up. This is one rep. Repeat until all sets are completed. Once all sets are completed, switch roles and repeat sets.

Squats & leg press push-ups

Have one partner lie down, with their shoulders at the edge of the second mat. Have the other partner stand shoulder-width apart, hovering over the other person. The partner lying down will grab onto the other’s ankles. This is your starting position. The partner lying down will then swing their legs towards their partner. The standing partner will push their partner’s legs away, creating resistance. The standing partner will then do a dip. Then, both of you will return to starting position. Repeat until all sets are completed. Once all sets are completed, switch roles and repeat sets.

Bicycle crunches

Push both mats together. and have both partners get into sit-up position, facing each other. Line up your feet with your partner’s. Interlock your hands behind your head, being careful to not pull on your neck. Lie down in sit-up position. This is your starting position. Do a crunch, and have your right elbow reach your left knee. Go back down to starting position. Repeat with left elbow and right knee. Keep in mind that you and your partner’s feet will be touching, so you will be doing these moves simultaneously as you apply pressure to each other’s feet. Repeat until all sets are completed. Once all sets are completed, switch roles and repeat sets.

That’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? But the good news is you won’t have to brave it alone. With this workout, you’ll double your motivation, your results, and — hopefully — double your love too.

How did this workout fare for you and your SO? Leave a comment below!

*Special thanks to Steven and Sandy for volunteering for this workout.

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