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How to Do a Free Tarot Card Reading

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Over the past few years, tarot card readings have come out of the shadowy corners and into the mainstream. Now, many tarot readers have taken to the internet to sharpen their skills, do what they love, and maybe even earn some money.

If you want to start tarot reading online, though, it’s best to start by doing free tarot card readings. This helps you build your audience and gain rapport with your clients before you start charging them.

But if you want to read the cards, there are some things you should and shouldn’t do.

Free Tarot Card Readings Do’s and Don’t’s

Do Get Comfortable with the Cards

Before you start reading tarot for other people, you need to get comfortable with the flexibility and open-ended nature of tarot cards. For many people, seeing a spread of cards and trying to do a coherent reading proves challenging. So, you’ll stand a better chance of doing readings well if you have previous experience with the cards.

Good Omens Tarot Deck and Guidebook
Barnes and Noble

To get started, pull out your favorite deck and attempt to do a reading for yourself first. Sit in a comfortable position and take a series of deep breaths. Then, think of a question and shuffle the cards. Some readers select cards out of the pile, while others wait for them to fall out.

If you’re a beginner, you might want to keep a definition book for the cards next to you. That way, you can refer to it if you don’t know what the cards mean.

However, many people also recommend using your intuition to determine what the cards mean in a particular reading. If you do this, you’ll become more flexible and adept at interpreting them.

Don’t Rely on the Cards

Even though tarot cards are fun, no evidence exists that they’re actually reliable. So, we always recommend doing free tarot card readings just for entertainment. We don’t recommend doing anything based on the cards if it appears unwise or doesn’t make sense in your life.

Likewise, when you start doing your free tarot card readings, don’t promote yourself as someone who can offer advice. After all, you don’t know most of the people you’ll read for personally. So, you don’t know how following such suggestions might impact them.

For this reason, many online tarot card readers include a disclaimer that they read for entertainment purposes only. Quite a few of them use the phrase “Take what resonates and leave the rest” to encourage people to not mindlessly take advice from the cards.

If you personally want to see a psychic just for fun, though, you’ll find the right person for you on Keen. Keen advertises many different psychics who charge various prices.

Do Look for a Deck You Like

Many different tarot decks exist, and not everyone likes working with the same ones. So, you need to look for a tarot deck or two (or five!) that you feel like you can work with.

Before buying a deck, make sure you take a look at several cards in the deck. If you do this, you get an idea of the artist’s style and whether you’ll like the deck overall.

Don’t Ignore the Card Stock Quality

Next, pay attention to the quality of the card stock. Most decks cost more than $20, while others are listed more over $50. To make sure your decks stay in good condition for a long time, you’ll want to read reviews to see what people say about the card stock quality.

Do Pick a Tarot Card Readings

If you’ve been around the online tarot scene for a while, you’re likely familiar with pick a tarot card readings. People do these types of readings for the general public instead of one person. Often, the readers create a YouTube video or type something up on a blog post.

Dream Your Joy Oracle Cards - by Judy Mastrangelo (Mixed Media Product), 1 of 2

To do a pick a card reading, create 3-5 piles of cards (add in Oracle Cards from Target for a better and more detailed reading). Then, prompt the reader/viewer to choose a pile. Next, do a reading for each individual pile.

Do Create a Nice Atmosphere

Authentic Tumbled Crystal / Tumbled Stone/Clear image 1

Reading tarot often turns into a very peaceful practice in a person’s life. As such, you should create a nice atmosphere in your home where you read tarot. Some people add crystals, candles, and incense from Etsy to their tarot space. Others put tapestries on the wall or build a meditation space.

Start Reading

Doing free tarot card readings serves as a great way to practice your skills and gain an audience. But if you want to expand your tarot reading business, you’ll need to learn to market yourself. Read some of our articles on marketing!

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