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How to Stretch Before a Workout Properly

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Stretching is incredibly important in fitness but is not done nearly enough. Sometimes, we’re so amped up to jump into our routine, we forget about making sure our body is ready. Are you someone who needs to better understand how to stretch before a workout? With this video, you can find out how.

How to Stretch Before a Workout Properly

What exercise you are doing will determine what type of stretches to focus on. For that, we’ve provided 7 different stretches you can do for your body.

What You’ll Need:

We also suggest taking a look at Dick’s Sporting Goods for tons of different workout equipment and clothing if you need to bolster your fitness accessories.

Now, let’s do some stretching!

Back Stretches

 This pose helps to stretch your gluteus maximus, thigh muscles, and spinal extensors. This stretch helps to reduce stress on your spine, neck, and shoulders.

  1. Place your hands on a flat surface, about waist level.
  2. Walk backward, lowering your chest to the ground in a perpendicular shape.
  3. Once your hips are behind your ankles, straighten your legs.
  4. Relax the muscles in your thighs and glutes, and gently lift your tailbone.
  5. Hold your arms in place, and continue to press your armpits towards the floor.
  6. Flip your hands over so your thumbs are pointing away from your body, then bring your arms together.
  7. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
  8. Take a short break, then repeat two more times.

Shoulder Stretches

These focus on your rotator cuff muscles, ensuring there is no added tension on your shoulders.

  1. Stand upright with your back straight.
  2. Clasp your hands behind your back.
  3. Slowly lift your hands away from your back and towards the ceiling.
  4. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Arm Stretches

Tricep stretches focus on the large muscle running down the back of your arms. These muscles are essential for extension and help to stabilize the shoulder.

  1. Cross one arm in front of your body, with palms in.
  2. Take the other arm, and fold it up so it’s hugging the opposing elbow.
  3. Hold this form for 30 seconds. Switch the arms and repeat.

Hip Stretches

Your hip flexors are a vital component of your lower body, which help to stabilize the lower back.

  1. Stand up straight with both arms at your side.
  2. Place your hands on your hips, or on your forward knee.
  3. Take a step forward with your leading foot, and put yourself in a split stance.
  4. Lower your leading knee, and put yourself in a 90-degree angle.
  5. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds.
  6. Repeat with the opposite foot.

Quad Stretches

The quadriceps sit in the front of your upper thigh, and are essential for most leg movement.

  1. Place both feet on the ground, standing straight.
  2. Balancing on one foot, grab the other foot and pull it towards your butt.
  3. The proper form will have your knee bent towards the floor, with your foot tucked towards your butt.
  4. Hold this form for 30 seconds. Use the wall for added support if needed.
  5. Repeat with the other leg.

Hamstring Stretches

The hamstring muscles run down the back of your leg, from thigh to knee. These muscles are vital for the extension of your knee and hip.

  1. Extend your leg out, with the other knee bent for proper support.
  2. Push your extended leg’s heel into the ground, and slowly squat, ensuring the bent leg is giving support.
  3. Lower yourself as far as comfortably possible at the hip.
  4. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, ensuring you are still with little to no movement.
  5. Repeat with the other leg.

Calf Stretches

The calf muscles provide stability to your lower legs and are necessary for most movement functions.

  1. Stand up, and slowly raise your heels off of the ground, centering your body weight on the ball of each foot.
  2. Hold this form for up to 20 seconds, and release.
  3. Repeat this 3 times.

More Healthy Living 

And there you have it! Now you know exactly how to stretch before a workout so that you don’t end up pulling anything before exercise. Additionally, some of these stretches could even improve your exercise performance! If you’re looking for more ways to increase benefits from your workout, check out these healthy eating habits you should learn!

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