
Make Life Easier with these Remote Nursing Jobs

remote nursing jobs

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Did you know that having a remote nursing job means you can work from anywhere in the world? Why spend hours in a hospital or commuting to and from the office when you can work from home? There are plenty of remote positions where you can provide care to patients over the phone or computer. Here are just a couple of positions that nurses can do from the comfort of their homes.

What Kinds of Remote Nursing Jobs Are There?

When you look at a job site like ZipRecruiter, you’ll see there are many different remote jobs for nurses. Depending on your skills and experience, you can easily find work in one of the following positions.

Nurse Educator

remote nursing jobs

If you have a passion for teaching, then working as an educator might be the right role for you. You’ll offer guidance and assistance to aspiring medical professionals. Many of these courses can be completed online, making this an excellent role for someone who wants to work remotely. Keep in mind that you will need to have teaching experience in addition to medical care experience.

RN Practitioner

remote nursing jobs

As a registered nurse, you can work with patients to oversee what procedures need to be done. You’ll assess their needs and risks to determine the right course of action to take. In some situations, you’ll also coordinate with insurance companies to ensure coverage is available to patients.

While many RN practitioners work in hospitals or medical centers, this line of work can also be done remotely. You’ll talk with patients via phone or video chat to support them in any way possible. Use ZipRecruiter’s job search tool to find remote RN jobs.

Triage Nurse

remote nursing jobs

In an emergency situation, a patient needs to discuss their symptoms with a triage nurse. The nurse will then decide if they need to be admitted to a hospital for urgent care. Most hospitals have triage nurses on-site, although telephone triage centers are becoming more common, making it a great option for those looking for remote nursing jobs. This means that patients will call a client hotline to be assessed before determining if they should go to the hospital.

Nurse Writer

remote nursing jobs

Being a nurse writer is a flexible opportunity that allows you to work your own schedule. If you’re particularly passionate about a topic, you can write stories, articles, or books for different sites or organizations. This can be based on your personal experience or research you have conducted in the past. Sharing your medical knowledge with others is a great way to make money while also expressing your creativity through writing.

Legal Nurse Consultant

remote nursing jobs

Legal Nurse Consultants play a valuable role for patients, hospitals, and medical businesses. They have a deep knowledge of the legal system and can offer advice on how to deal with medical-legal issues. This could be conducting interviews, reviewing medical records, writing legal documents, or working with attorneys. This type of consultancy role means you can work remotely, either for a legal firm, insurance company, or health care facility.

Where to Find Remote Jobs for Nurses

Remote nursing jobs are just as vital as any in-person nurse. If you’re looking for a nursing job, one of the first places you should look is ZipRecruiter. They have millions of positions (remote and in-person jobs) that you can apply to in just one click. If your resume fits the bill, you’ll be contacted for an interview (here is how to prepare for a virtual interview over Zoom).

It’s also a good idea to review the biggest do’s and don’ts in a job interview to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.

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