
The Biggest Do’s and Don’ts in a Job Interview

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The big moment is here. Your resume impressed recruiters, and you’re now invited to your first job interview. You’re standing outside the corporate office, sweating about what you should do or say to get the job. Fear not, because, in this article, we’ll uncover tips and hacks to help you secure the job.

Interviews can be nerve-racking, whether you’re an experienced professional looking to advance your career or a recent college graduate searching for their first job position. The key is being well-prepared and you reading this article is an excellent start.

The Biggest Do’s and Don’ts in a Job Interview

Make sure you do your research about the company beforehand by using the right job searching platform. With over 1 million employers at ZipRecruiter, you will never run short of options. Get access to job opportunities worldwide and get your profile matched with the right ones for your skills.

Job Interview Do’s

Everything in a job interview centers around your behavior and skills. What recruiters want to see is whether you’re the right fish in the lake. Follow these tips below to make sure you leave a positive impression and stand out from other applicants:

1. Do Prepare for the Interview

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Rehearse your answers to common job interview questions. Prepare case studies that highlight your skills and be confident that you know how to cope with a basic interview format.

2. Do Choose Your Outfit in Advance

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Make sure you prepare your job outfit from the night before and that it’s clean and ironed. Most companies require a business casual outfit, so be sure you comply with their dress code. And remember that your outfit should reflect that you take this opportunity seriously.

3. Do Make Sure You Know the Location of the Interview

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You need to arrive at least 10 minutes earlier in the job interview to make a good impression. This shows that you’re punctual and concise. The last thing you want is wandering around the streets unable to find the company’s location, thus arriving late and in panic.

4. Do Your Homework on the Company

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Do your research on the company and learn how you can contribute to the position you’re applying for. Navigate their website, read customers’ reviews, check their social media or the news, and get the upper hand on how you’re an excellent fit for the company.

5. Do Tell the Truth

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You need to be honest and your best professional self if you wish to impress in a job interview. Lies are discovered sooner or later, and it will only create an awkward situation between you and the recruiter. After all, the point of the interview is to reveal if this is a good match, so dishonesty is not a great ally.

6. Do Prepare Questions

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Having intelligent questions to ask in an interview is one stellar way of being memorable. It shows recruiters that you value this position and did your research on the company. After all, job interviews are a two-way street, not an interrogation. By asking open-ended questions, you’ll find if there’s a good match between you and the company.

Job Interview Don’ts

Now that you know how to act in a job interview, let’s review what you should avoid:

1. Don’t Speak Poorly of Past or Present Employers

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The interviewer will think that you’ll do the same to your new employers and question your professionalism. So try to maintain a positive attitude and be thankful for the opportunities you were given.

2. Don’t Treat the Interview Casually

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Acting too comfortable, slouching, or showing a lack of respect in the job interview as if you’re shopping around is a big red flag. It will only make you seem unprofessional and disrespectful to the organization.3. Don’t Be Salary Driven

Yes, of course, a job is about salary too, but imagine entering an interview, and your first question is “What is the salary for this job?”. Doesn’t hit that well, does it? Don’t bring the salary benefits until the interviewer decides to do so.

4. Don’t Try to Memorize Your Answers

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Instead of showing that you came prepared, it will show a lack of confidence and inability to be truthful and spontaneous. So focus on key points you want to convey and have backup case studies to support them.

5. Don’t Interrupt the Interviewer

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There is nothing worse than having candidates speaking on top of interviewers, as it shows that they’re not capable of listening and executing. If you have a question or need clarification, wait for them to finish and ask then. This will show that you can keep a conversation engaged and respectful.

Your Next Job Interview

A job interview isn’t meant to be a daunting experience where recruiters are the monsters seeing you as their lunch for the day. Instead, remember that this is a mutual conversation to figure out if there’s a match between you and the company. So, be professional, highlight your value, and employ intelligent questions to ask in an interview.

Use ZipRecruiter to find millions of job opportunities and land your next interviews. Receive suggested jobs directly into your inbox and never have to worry about finding the right match for your skills. Start your research today by creating your free account!

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