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5 Tips For Keeping the House Clean All Year

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Overwhelmed with the number of household chores you have waiting for you? These 5 tips for keeping the house clean will make your life a little easier each day!

Between work, school, and the hecticness of daily life, it can be hard to find motivation for keeping the house clean. It sometimes feels like there’s a never-ending list of household chores piling up and no time in the day to do them all – especially if you have little ones running around demanding attention and making messes on their own!


5 Tips for Keeping the House Clean

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work it takes to maintain a clean house with kids (or even without them), then we’re here to help. The following 5 tips will help you with keeping your house clean, neat, and tidy with as little effort as possible.

There are many ways that people can learn to keep their house clean, but Anthropologie is here to help you take on the process and make it easier. If you’re looking for more items to help keep your home clean, check out Anthropologie for their boutique cleaning supplies and organizational tools!

1. Tidy Up a Little Each Day

tips for keeping the house clean all year
Source: Neato Robotics

Don’t wait until your home is completely overrun with dirty laundry and unwashed dishes before you decide to start cleaning. By doing something small each day, you can keep your home in order before it becomes an out-of-control mess (we’ve all been there!). 


Using tools such as a robot vacuum will help you keep the floor free of dust and will check a huge daily task off your list. Our personal favorite is the Neato D7 Intelligent Robot Vacuum, with its D shape advantage and a brush that’s nearly double the size of those on standard round robot vacuums, it will reach everywhere (including corners) and it will sweep up 99% of dust and allergens on hardwood, carpet, or even tile without you having to lift a muscle.

2. Create a Morning Routine

Although it may be hard to find motivation for keeping the house clean, small steps like making your bed each morning can make you feel more productive. It may be a minor task, but it sets the intention that you’re aiming to keep your place tidy. 

In addition, you’ll already have one task checked off your to-do list, which might help you discover more motivation to continue cleaning. If you want a clean house with kids, this is a great skill to teach your children. The reason is that giving kids chores helps them realistic ideas of life skills and a sense of responsibility for their personal space.

Maintaining a clean home year-round becomes effortless with efficient tools like the Multi-Surface Starter Set from BlueLand. Designed to minimize waste, this eco-conscious set utilizes dissolvable tablets and reusable bottles, reducing plastic waste while ensuring effective cleaning. Integrating these eco-friendly products seamlessly aligns with the article’s emphasis on maintaining an environmentally conscious household, making it an ideal choice for those seeking practical yet eco-friendly cleaning solutions.


3. Watch Out for Pet Dander and Hair

While we love our four-legged friends, we don’t love how much dirt, hair, and dander they leave around the house! Even if you just gave the entire house a deep clean, it usually doesn’t stay that way once your pet wanders in. 

Pet dander and hair can accumulate quickly, especially in multi-pet households. Regular grooming helps, but an effective air purifier can make a big difference. Molekule’s innovative technology breaks down allergens at a molecular level, providing cleaner air for you and your pets


4. Learn to Part Ways with Unnecessary Items

It’s a simple fact – if you have less stuff, you’ll have less to clean! Decluttering your personal space is crucial for maintaining a clean and tidy home. If there’s an item or piece of clothing that you haven’t used in months, consider donating it to a thrift shop or women’s shelter.

The same goes for clothes your kids have already outgrown. If they aren’t wearing it, then it’s time to recycle or donate it to someone who can. However, keeping the house clean doesn’t mean you have to part with all the beloved items in your home. You can still keep things decluttered by storing them in baskets, boxes, or bins.


5. Clean as You Cook

Is there anything worse than spending hours cooking a meal only to have piles of dirty dishes waiting for you in the sink? Instead of saving all the cleaning for the end of dinner, try washing things as you go. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you can clean while the oil is heating up or when the roast is in the oven. 

It’s also a good idea for everyone in your household to get in the habit of loading the dishwasher immediately. Instead of letting your cups and plates rest in the sink or on the counter, put them in the dishwasher straight away. This small action will already save you tons of time and is a way to maintain a clean house with kids.


More Cleaning Reads

Maintaining a tidy, organized, clean house with kids isn’t an easy task. But hopefully, these small actions can help you tackle those messy rooms in your house one step at a time! We’ve also put together a list of other ways to keep your house clean with kids, as well as a few other genius hacks for cleaning in general.

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