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How to Quit a Job You Just Started

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Workers quitting their jobs a few weeks after their employment is definitely not a rare sight to watch. Although it can take a while to adjust to a new role, sometimes you just know it in your guts that you’re in the wrong place. And then the dilemma hits. How to quit a job you just landed?

On the one hand, you feel miserable and want to reconsider your choices; on the other hand, you don’t want to give the impression of an opportunist and burn your bridges. So what should you do? In this article, we’ll share tips and best practices to navigate this challenging period with discretion and professionalism.

How to Quit a Job You Just Started

But before jumping on the tips, make sure you do everything in your power to avoid similar circumstances in the future by using a straightforward job recruiting site like ZipRecruiter. With AI technology and an extensive database of millions of job postings, it will match your profile with the right opportunities.

Let’s clear one thing up first. It’s totally okay if you decide to quit a job, even after a few days of your employment. This is a market of supply and demand. There’s no room for financial sacrifices or unhealthy work environments. In fact, you might be risking your reputation by staying in a job position where you know you won’t be able to meet expectations due to a lack of motivation.

1. Decide What to Say

how to quit a job

It doesn’t matter if you’ve spent 10 days or 10 years in a job position. Your employer and co-workers would still like to know why you’re quitting. So make sure you decide beforehand what you’ll tell them. If it helps in your “how to quit a job” process, journal your answer and rehearse it to grow confidence.

2. Hand Your Resignation in Person

how to quit a job

Talking to your employer face-to-face about your resignation will demonstrate respect and professionalism. Schedule a meeting with them, show excellent interpersonal communication, and say how much notice you’re giving.

3. Don’t Explain Why You’re Leaving

how to quit a job

You want to avoid hurting feelings or, even worse, creating hate towards you for quitting so soon. Avoid explaining to your employer the reasons why you’re quitting, even if the relationship is friendly and you’re leaving on good terms. That’s because there are personal reasons behind a resignation most of the time, and you want to avoid disclosing them.

4. Stay Calm and Composed

how to quit a job

Don’t let feelings get the best of you and burn your bridges. You might have hated those first days at work and felt tricked into a job agreement that turned out to be something else. Or you may be frustrated to go through yet another job-seeking period. However, our most valuable tip on how to quit a job is remaining calm. Just stay on topic, give your time notice and be professional. If your employer shows an emotional response, remain calm and overcome it.

5. Offer to Assist Your Replacer

how to quit a job

Remember that since the company hired you recently, they’ve probably also invested in your education around the position. Restarting the hiring process plus educating someone else all over again can be frustrating. So make sure you assist in the education process and contribute to the job searching in any way you can.

Go ahead and put in your two weeks notice, and know that with ZipRecruiter, most users receive an interview invitation 3 times faster than with other platforms!

6. Start Job Hunting

how to quit a job

We recommend starting your job search as early as possible, even before quitting. Rents are running, and you don’t want to find yourself in a position where you can’t pay for your bills. However, make sure you’re ready to answer more challenging questions on why you left your previous job so soon in your next job interview. Just focus on positivity, describe why it wasn’t a good fit for you without throwing dust on anyone, and keep it brief and professional.

Find the Right Job Opportunity With ZipRecruiter

If you follow these tips on how to quit a job, you’ll be able to resign gracefully and avoid the drama. Remember, it’s not the end of the world, and it happens more often than you think. The trick is making better career decisions and finding better jobs.

At ZipRecruiter, you can find millions of job opportunities accessible within a few clicks after you create your free account. Avoid the stress of doing everything yourself, and get instant access to skill-matching job positions sent directly into your inbox. Start today for free!

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