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Get Started with Astrology by Learning the Ruling Planets

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Understanding the ruling planets is an important piece of astrology. But when most people think of astrology, they only refer to their zodiac sign. While your zodiac sign does play a vital role in dictating your aura and personality, it’s not the only influence to consider.

Whether you’re an avid astrology follower or a casual horoscope reader, learning about ruling planets helps you understand your sign. Having this deeper insight and knowledge is just one of the many fascinating cornerstones of the world of astrology. 

Why Are Ruling Planets Important?

Every zodiac sign has a corresponding ruling planet. The planets influence how we, as individuals, move through life and interpret the world around us. To put this into perspective, some people like to think of the planet as a guardian.

For a deeper insight into your zodiac sign and ruling planet, call an expert Astrologer from Keen today!

Ruling Planets Astrology Explained

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Uranus and Saturn

Aquarius has two seemingly opposite planets. Uranus, the planet of liberation, gives the sign freedom to be individualistic. But having Saturn the planet of limitation as well, they can stay within social boundaries.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Neptune and Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet, which can represent big dreams and aspirations. The ruling planet of Neptune also has a similar influence. Both are reflected within the Pisces, who notoriously have larger-than-life visions.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Mars

The Aries (or ram) is a steadfast sign that tackles problems head-on with their horns. After all, they have Mars as their ruling planet, which symbolizes passion and war.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Venus

The planet of love and relationships has an important significance with a Taurus. That’s because these signs enjoy decadence, money, and the appreciation of finer things.

Gemini (May 21- June 20) Mercury

For Geminis, Mercury symbolizes communication. For this reason, those born with this sign can interpret information and express their feelings more easily than others.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Moon

This is the only sign that sees its ruling planet only once a month. As a result, Cancers love feeling security and can use this skill to carve out their place in the world.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Sun

Just like the sun, Leos demand attention and approach life with a great force. They also tend to have a consistent drive and passion for living.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Mercury

Mercury is a planet that symbolizes organization. Virgos have the ability to establish hierarchies to make sense of things. On the other hand, mercury in retrograde can mean chaos, giving Virgos time to reflect and learn.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of love and relationships. This makes sense with the Libra sign, as Libras love sophistication, art, elegance, and keeping the peace with balance.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Pluto and Mars

Scorpios are very dedicated to victory and loyalty. This makes sense with Mars, the master of passion and war) as their ruling planet. However, having Pluto as a second ruler means that Scorpios are also into power and transformation.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet of excess and luck. This is the perfect ruling planet for the Sagittarius, as this sign loves to have a good time. However, they also enjoy gambling with all that luck in their back pocket.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Saturn

Those with a Capricorn sign have a strong understanding of the world and its boundaries. This is primarily influenced by Saturn, which is the planet of limitations.

For more personalized insights into the ruling planets, you can contact an expert Astrologer with Keen. Your first 10 minutes are only $1.99, so call today and get all your astrology questions answered!

Learn More About Yourself!

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Many people resonate with ruling astrology and find learning about ruling planets entertaining and fun. If you want to learn more about yourself, you should learn how to look after your mental health. Take a look at our self-care checklist to get started!

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