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Mayonnaise Uses You Probably Never Thought About

Mayonnaise Uses You Probably Never Thought About

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I love mayonnaise in my sandwiches. But I know a lot of people don’t. Regardless of your mayo preferences, there are endless ways to use mayonnaise around the house, and you won’t have to ruin (for some of us) your sandwich to do it. Here are some 10 uses for mayonnaise you’ve probably never thought of.

Removing rings with mayonnaise


Remove rings by slathering some mayonnaise on the affected finger and the ring itself. Let it sit for a bit, and then it should slide right off.

Moisturizing skin


Mayonnaise can be used as a great skin conditioner too. Add some right before you begin your nightly face routine and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing it off.




Apply directly to the affected area. The citrus and acidity from the vinegar will help cool your skin.



Rub mayonnaise in your hair as you would conditioner, then rinse it out. The acidity will help balance the pH levels in your hair, and the oil will help condition it. The egg yolk, which contains lecithin, will encourage hair growth. If you’re worried about the smell, you can do this before your normal shower routine to get rid of the scent.


Remove gum in your hair


Speaking of hair, try this trick the next time your little one gets too overzealous with blowing their bubble gum. Take some mayo between your fingers and rub it down the strands of hair where the gum is. The gum should come right off.

Heal and prevent hangnails


Don’t you hate how these hurt? Rub a pea-sized amount of mayonnaise onto an existing hangnail, let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse it off. After the hangnail is gone, rub some more mayo on top to heal the area.

Crayon stains


Did your little one have too much fun on your hallway walls? Use your finger to apply a layer of the emulsion onto the crayon mark and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wipe the crayon marks and mayo away with a clean cloth.

Polish silver


Rub some mayo on your tarnished silverware to restore them to new. The acidity in the mayo helps break down dirt and grime.

Removing bumper stickers (or any stickers for that matter)


Do you regret slapping a few slogans onto your car’s bumper? Add a scoop of mayonnaise onto a sticker and let it sit for about 10 minutes, then wipe off the sticker.

Touch up furniture


Rubbing mayo on wood will get rid of water stains. Just grab a clean towel and rub a bit onto anything wooden. The oil will help polish and protect the wood.

What do you use mayonnaise with? Leave a comment below!

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