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6 Vinegar Hacks to Help You Around the House

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

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Vinegar is one of the most ubiquitous things in any kitchen. But it wasn’t always this way. Vinegar, in addition to cooking, has a long history of uses outside of fish and chips for centuries. Everything from cleaning to medical use — and anything in between. Just how versatile is vinegar? Very! Here are six household vinegar hacks while keeping up with your daily cleaning routine!

Vinegar Cleans Pots and Pans


Not only can vinegar add to your cooking, but it can also add to your cooking ware too. Mix one cup of water and half a cup of vinegar from Target and bring the mixture to a boil for five minutes. Let the liquid cool down, pour it out, and wipe with a paper towel. Your pots and pans should be good as new.

Clogged Sink


Pour a cup of vinegar into a clogged sink along with half a cup of baking soda from Sam’s Club into a clogged sink. Let it sit for a bit and then wash it out with tap water. Good as new!


Weed Killer


Let’s go outside for a bit. Paint some white vinegar directly on weeds (or whatever other plants you don’t like) for a natural way to kill them. No pesticides or potentially harmful chemicals involved. For best results, try this hack on a dry, sunny day to get vinegar’s active ingredients going.

Glass Cleaner


Ran out of Windex? Simply fill a spray bottle halfway with vinegar and fill the other half with water. Vinegar can clean anything glass, from eyeglasses to windows to computer screens.

Pet Cleaner


The uses of vinegar can be applied to everything — and everyone — in your household, including your pet. Vinegar can help clean your dog’s or cat’s ears. Dogs with floppy ears are prone to infection, so dog owners know how important washing ears can be to prevent infection. Mix white vinegar with water in a 1:4 ratio. Soak a rag into the liquid and wring it out. You can now use the rag to clean out your pet’s ears. This hack might just save you a few visits to the vet’s office.

Softening Laundry


Washing your clothes can be a tedious household task. And keeping them nice and soft without expensive fabric softener can be difficult too. Fill a laundry dispenser with 1/4 cup of white vinegar to soften laundry without leaving odors — we promise!

You don’t have to keep your vinegar in your cupboard, for it to only see the light of day when you’re cooking. Use it everywhere in your home!

Hope you enjoy these vinegar hacks and use them daily! Oh and we have more! Are you doing some spring cleaning? Need some more ideas on using household product for cleaning? How about DIY Laundry Detergent? Go and check it out! You will love it!

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