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Stay Healthy by Snacking on Low Carb Products

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Everyone loves to snack at some point during the day. You can stay healthy by changing up your regular snacks with easy to make, low-carb options. Low-carb snacks are far more beneficial than high-carb snacks as they can improve or prevent certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. What’s more, they work in tandem with keto diets to contribute toward a healthier lifestyle.

If you’re looking to switch up your snacking selection, we’ve written up a quick list of some of our favorite low-carb snack choices below, so you can try a few and see how you like them! We’d also recommend taking a look at Thrive Market to shop for these low-carb, organic products, all online!

Dark Chocolate – Sweet, Extravagant, and Keto Safe

It might surprise you to hear that [easyazon_link identifier=”B07DMBLJ9P” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]dark chocolate[/easyazon_link] is a fantastic low-carb snack – as long as its percentage of cacao is 85 percent or above. A few pieces should fulfill your cravings and won’t mess up your diet.

You can also mix dark chocolate with other keto friendly snack foods, like almonds or raspberries.

Hard Boiled Eggs – No Carbs and Lots of Protein

This is quite possibly the easiest snack you’ll ever make – all you need to do is boil eggs in water for about 10 minutes or you can even poach your eggs in water and add them to your meal!

Eggs make a terrific snack because they’ve got zero carbs and are chock full of protein and healthy fat. They’re also great for giving you a sense of being full, so curb your midday cravings by snacking on one or two!

Meat Jerky – Many Options, Fewer Carbs

Meat jerky is another great choice for a low carb snack. You might automatically think of beef when you think of jerky, but you can find jerky made of chicken, turkey, and all [easyazon_link identifier=”B0199APMR2″ locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]kinds of fish[/easyazon_link]. Jerky is also easy to make if you have your own food dehydrator, and you can make so much at one time that you’ll have enough for snacks for months!

Cheese Crisps – Tasty, Homemade, Safe for Diets

Cheese crisps do require a little bit of work, but they’re easy to make and are another delicious low-carb snack option. The only ingredient you’ll need to make them is the shredded cheese of your choice (though we find that cheddar is tastiest!) and a bit of your favorite seasoning.

The steps for making cheese crisps are as follows:

  1. Mix your cheese together in a bowl with some seasoning (such as ranch dressing mix or garlic or chili powder).
  2. Place lumps of the cheese mixture onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. Keep the lumps fairly small – about a teaspoon each.
  3. Bake them for about 5 to 8 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. Remove them from the oven when they’re done and let them cool for about 5 minutes.
  5. Enjoy as a snack immediately or store them for later on!

Almonds – Nutritious and Very Low Carb

Almonds are one of the healthiest members of the nut family. What’s more, they’re packed to the brim with various nutrients such as vitamin E and magnesium. One serving (roughly a handful) only contains about three grams of carbohydrates.

Almonds are great for a snack by themselves but are even tastier if you throw in some dried fruit like cranberries or apricots.

Discover your favorite almond products at from premium supreme-sized raw almonds and candy-coated Jordan almonds, to finely blanched almond flour and all-natural almond butter for your snacking and recipe needs, also offers a wide variety of organic, low-carb nuts including cashews, walnuts, dried fruits, chocolates, and sweets.

Avocado – Healthy and Versatile

Avocado is a fatty fruit, but it’s also extremely low in carbs and brimming with a large number of nutrients, including:

  • Vitamins B6, C, E, and K
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Manganese

You can eat avocado any number of ways: plain, sprinkled with sea salt or paprika, drizzled with lime juice, or prepared as guacamole.

Olives – High in Healthy Fats

[easyazon_link identifier=”B07FJQ2W6W” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]Olives[/easyazon_link], commonly mistaken as a vegetable, are actually a fruit that’s packed full of healthy fats. There’s a broad variety of olives, and most all of them are dense in beneficial nutrients. They’re a simple and delicious snack food – just pack some into a container to take to class or to work.

Raspberries – Flavorful and Healthy

Raspberries are one of the healthiest berries around, full of nutrients and low in carbs. What’s more, their flavor profile is great regardless of whether you’re eating them by themselves or mixing them with other berries or nuts. One of our favorite low-carb raspberry snacks is quick and easy to make – just mix the berries together with some [easyazon_link identifier=”B017RJ8QTI” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]greek yogurt[/easyazon_link] (which is another low-carb snack option) and sprinkle some good old chia seeds and enjoy!

Zucchini Pizza – Quick, Easy, and Keto Friendly

Zucchini is very high in potassium and can also help to improve blood pressure. One of our favorite zucchini snacks is zucchini pizza slices. They’re simple to make and very tasty, so if you’re keen on trying some, try the recipe below:

  1. Slice a zucchini into 15-20 pieces
  2. Spread butter onto every piece
  3. Sprinkle each slice with salt and pepper
  4. Top each piece with grated cheese of your choice (we prefer mozzarella!)
  5. Bake in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes
  6. Remove, let cool, and eat!

Turn Your Snacking Habits Around with Low-Carb Foods

Snacking gets a bad rep because it’s usually associated with chips and candy, but the fact of the matter is that you can snack in a healthy way. All of the snacks we listed above are healthy, low-carb, easy to find or make, and keto friendly.

If you’re looking to change your snacking habits and want to do it right, go ahead and try out some of our suggestions! Don’t know what to eat after a workout, check one of our articles on other healthy post workout meal ideas!


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