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How About Digging into Some Delightful Carb-Free Pasta? Video Included!

Zucchini Carb Free Pasta Recipe

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If you’ve never tried zucchini noodles before, we totally get why you’d be skeptical. But when we tell you that they literally taste like pasta noodles, we’re dead serious and their even carb-free pasta noodles!

Not only do they have the texture and consistency of them, but thanks to the vitamins B6, C and K, folate, manganese and potassium (and the fact that zucchini is the kind of vegetable that improves digestion, lowers blood sugar levels and improves thyroid and heart health), they are as good for you as they are to you.

Not into the whole crab free thing, check out our Spinach Gnoochi, also a great healthy meal you can make!

Willing to give it a shot? We promise that if you use them as a pasta alternative even once, you’ll wonder what took you so long to go this just-as-tasty-but-so-much-healthier-for you route. Ready?

Gluten-free Spaghetti Ingredients:

  • 600 gm of (which is 3) zucchinis
  • 170 gm (2 cups) of cherry tomatoes or 3 tomatoes
  • ½ of a small carrot
  • 2-7 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • 1 crushed clove of garlic
  • 1 knob of butter
  • 7 gm (1/2) of basil leaves
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

Best place to get your ingredients shipped to your door step is with FreshDirect!

Step 1:

To start my noodles, sometimes I use a grater while other times I use a mandoline slicer; it all depends on how much time I have on my hands.

The benefit of the grater is I can run the zucchinis across the grater and they’re instantly made. The plus with the mandoline is I can slice several zucchinis up faster (although I’ll still need to use a knife to create thinner pieces afterwards) and the results are “cleaner” (meaning, the noodles are more even).

Step 2:

Once I have all of the “raw noodles” that I need, I then transfer them into a medium-sized strainer bowl and put that bowl into a medium-sized mixing bowl so that the additional water can drain out. Then I add a few pinches of salt (to add flavor) and set the noodles aside.

Step 3:

I take the tomatoes, cut them into small slices and put them into a smaller bowl.

Step 4:

Next up is the small carrot. First, I peel it. Then I grate it.

Step 5:

The next thing I do is pull out a small pot so that I can put in about three tablespoons of olive oil along with the crushed garlic and tomatoes into it.

I then let them all simmer over low-medium heat for about 1 ½ minutes or so, making sure that tomatoes don’t get all soft and mushy. Then I transfer everything into the same small bowl the tomatoes were in (so that I won’t end up with a ton of dishes to wash!).

Step 6:

I add a little more olive oil (maybe one tablespoon or so) back into the pot and place the shredded carrot into it while letting it cook over the same low-medium heat for around two minutes.

Step 7:

I combine the tomatoes and stir for an additional minute. Then I add the basil leaves and, depending on how spicy I want my sauce to be, I’ll add a teeny-weeny bit more salt and a dash of black pepper. Then I remove the pot from the burner.

Step 8:

Now it’s time to cook my zucchini noodles. First, I pull out a non-stick pan, add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil to it and place it on my burner with the same amount of heat (low-medium). Then I place all of the noodles into the pan and raise the level of heat to high-medium and allow them to cook for around 3-4 minutes.

Step 9:

Then I add the tomato sauce to it and stir everything together for a couple of more minutes.

Step 10:

I take some of the noodles and sauce, put them on a serving plate, drizzle a little more olive oil around the plate (for presentation), sprinkle some fresh parmesan cheese onto the noodles and—voila! A delicious, fiber-filled, carb-free pasta dinner. Enjoy!

Oh and if you’re looking for a carb free lunch! We have that too!!! Our favorite Carb-Free Sandwich, go check it out!

Or perhaps you would like a healthy dessert after this delicious meal? Check out our super cute and yummy gluten free-zucchini cake!

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