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Stretch Mark Remedies: These Products Will Get Rid Of Them

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In a perfect world, pregnancy wouldn’t leave behind stretch marks. Some women are super lucky and don’t get them at all, but the rest of us sure do. I’m one of those (many) women who got stretch marks during both my pregnancies.

I decided to see if there was anything out there that could prevent them, or at the very least stop them from getting too bad. Soon I started shopping around and settled on a few highly recommended products to see what they could do. I wasn’t expecting miracles, but to my surprise there were some brands that really did work wonders.

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If you’re expecting and are looking for something to deal with your existing or impending stretch marks, take a look at the products below that I liked the most.

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Stretch Mark remedies

Effective and Cost-Friendly Stretch Mark Creams

There are different types of stretch mark removal products out there, and I sampled every type to see if they made a difference. Some of the most common treatments are creams, and these are the ones I liked best.

Stretch Mark Vanishing Cream

1.  Mommy Knows Best Stretch Mark Vanishing Cream

This is a mixture of vitamins and essential oils. It has a nice scent and it’s very soothing when you apply it. I noticed after about two weeks of use that it softened my stretch marks, and less than a month into using it, they were visibly starting to fade.

Scar Cream

2. Scar Cream Reduce and Repair

Don’t let the name fool you. This cream isn’t only for scars. It’s unscented and doesn’t leave behind an oily residue. I noticed my marks fading about three weeks into using this. A little of this cream goes a long way!

Retone Stretch Mark Therapy

3. Retone Stretch Mark Therapy Kit

This product’s a little different as it’s a two step process. First you use the exfoliating cleanser on your problem areas, and then you apply the actual cream. A few weeks into using this it was very obvious that my stretch marks were fading.


Impressive Gel Solutions for Stretch Marks

I wasn’t sure about using gels since most stretch removal products were either in cream or oil format, but I decided to try some anyway. I was pretty impressed with the results. Here are the ones I liked best:

Cherioll Scar Removal Gel

1. Cherioll Scar Removal Gel

This gel is easy to apply and gets absorbed quickly. After about two weeks of use I noticed that my stretch marks felt softer. It took about a month before my marks were definitely looking less noticeable.

CSCS Scar Gel

2. CSCS Advanced Scar Gel

This gel has a lot of natural ingredients, including vitamin E oil and shea butter. I applied this twice a day and quickly noticed that some of my more obvious stretch marks were flattening and getting softer.

Pureauty Scar Removal Gel

3. Pureauty Scar Removal Gel

During my second pregnancy, I used this once a day. It reduced the redness around my stretch marks, made the skin softer, and made the marks smoother. This is also a great product for those with sensitive skin.


Oil Based Solution to Remove Stretch Marks

I’m typically not a fan of oils due to the way they feel, but I’m not a fan of stretch marks either, so I figured I’d try some out. I was very happy with the results of some brands, which I’ll share here.

Stretch Mark Massage Oil

1. Pure Life Science Stretch Mark Massage Oil

This oil has such a nice citrus scent. It softened up my stretch marks very quickly and after about a month, they started to fade.

Palmers Skin Therapy Oil

2. Palmer’s Skin Therapy Oil

I really liked this oil because it absorbed quickly and didn’t leave behind that annoying oily residue. It also moisturized very well. A few weeks into using this during my first pregnancy I noticed reduced redness and puffiness.

Mederma Quick Dry Oil

3. Mederma Quick Dry Oil

A quick tip for this product: rub it in after you apply it and you won’t have to worry about residue. As for its effectiveness, it smoothes and fades stretch marks nicely after about a month.


Stretch Marks, Begone!

Once upon a time it used to be that stretch marks were just something that mothers had to deal with. Thankfully, that’s not the case anymore! These products were all effective at making my them less prominent, both during and after pregnancy. For anyone looking for a way to prevent or get rid of stretch marks, I can’t recommend these creams, oils, and gels enough.  

Also, if you’re interested in general skincare, check The Best Skin Care Routine in Your 30s

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