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Lumen Metabolism Tracker – How it Works

Lumen Review

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We recently been given the opportunity to review Lumen, a metabolism tracker. It’s supposedly the first device to track your metabolism through your breaths. To be honest, this whole idea of hacking metabolism is completely foreign. Call me naïve, but never have I put too much thought on the affiliation between breathing and metabolism.

With the impending arrival of the product, I did my research on how this product could be beneficial to me. When we breathe, our breath produces CO2 which is often exhaled out to the air and plants would absorb it to create more oxygen for us to thrive. Think of CO2 as the external data that contains information about our bodies. The concentration of CO2 from one single breath exposes the type of fuel the body is using to produce energy. It could be carb fuel or fat fuel. In essence, we would like for our body to start burning the stored fats but how would we know what our body is doing? This is where Lumen comes in the picture to tell us exactly what we would like to know. To be honest, upon research, I am impressed with the analogy behind the product.

First Impression of Lumen

Lumen Review

The product arrived on time and I was ecstatic to give it a try. The box comes with instructions, a docking station for charging, travel pouch and the Lumen breathing device itself. If I had a description of the unboxing, I would say it is the same experience with opening a box of luxury watch. The breathing device looks great, with a magnetized cover, so this ensures that you will not lose the cap or cover easily. The breathing device itself is sleek, and elegant looking. It is not intimidating at all. As we all know, sometimes, with technology, it comes with lots of buttons! I was glad there is just ONE single button available for the user.

Booklet Instructions of Lumen

The instruction booklet is easy and simple enough to read and understand. It says to download the app from the app store, which I did, and I created my account in a jiffy. At the same time, I set up the docking station to charge my breathing device. The LED indicator provides the status of the device and once it is all charged, it turns green to indicate that it is ready to be used in full force.

How to Use the Device

I was very excited to start putting this product to test. Once it is all charged, I went ahead and created my profile through the app. It comes with tutorials to teach you on how to work this product. The video tutorial is especially helpful. You are supposed to learn to breathe appropriately using the device so the reading is more accurate. You also set your goals so that the algorithm understands what you are trying to achieve.

For my first try, I was a little nervous thinking that it would be hard to get it right. It’s a surprise that the app takes charge and provides guidance all the way. However, I did not get it right the first few times of practicing how to inhale and exhale. You are supposed to inhale through the tip of the device and hold your breath for approximately 8 seconds.

When you inhale, the app will tell you if you are doing it correctly. Your breath synchronizes with the app, and you will see a circle from the app and if it is good, it will turn green. Once it reaches to 2 seconds left, you just need to hold your breath. The app will let you know when to exhale. The exhaling process is a bit easier because all you must do is to wait until the circle disappears from the screen of the app. Once everything is done correctly, a breath analysis pops up to tell you exactly the science behind it. Since I did not get it right the first few times, the app went ahead and adjusted my Lumen. How crazy is that?!

Lumen ReviewLumen ReviewLumen Review

Nutrition Plan

I was tracking my breath every morning and everyday there is a nutrition or a plan of action for the day. For example, if it is detected that I am already burning fat for the morning, it gives me a nutrition plan of a low carb with healthy fats diet to improve my HDL (good cholesterol) levels. It gives the exact measurement of the amount of carbs, fats and protein needed to start my day, so my body remains in a fat burning state. Pretty cool, huh?

Lumen ReviewLumen Review

Education and awareness

It is interesting to see how your body is using its carbs and fats stored. We covered in the past about how workout affects our metabolism. With Lumen, the app contains lots of digital information on how we should be using either one of these. Obviously if your goal is to lose weight but still stay in a good shape, you will opt for a low carb diet while maintaining a fat burning state. The goal for me is to start using the fat reserves for fuel. Please melt the fat away!

For women, there is an added feature where it tracks your menstruation cycle. It also has information on how the menstruation cycle affects your metabolism which is helpful. For example, since women lose blood during menstruation cycle, it will incorporate more high iron food sources to the nutrition plan. It does not just explain on your menstruation, but it also tells you exactly the different metabolic phases a woman must go through in a month, ovulation, post-ovulation, and pre-menstruation!

Lumen ReviewLumen Review

Library of Inspiring Meals

There is also a library of recipes if you ever need ideas on making your meals. Let just say for me, I am looking for low-carb meals, the library first asks if there is anything you would like to avoid. Once you have indicated the types of food you do not like to eat, the results come back with 6 different choices for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner!

Advantages in a Nutshell

This has been quite a long explanation of Lumen. Hope you are still with me! For me, the most important part of this particular “exercise” is the awareness. With the awareness, you get to learn on how your body metabolizes your food intake. With that, Lumen creates a plan to ensure you attain the goals you are hoping for. I strongly believe that the long-term gain can be exponential and the more you understand about your own body, the better consequence you will derive from it.

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All in all, Lumen has given me an absolute positive experience. It was great learning about my metabolism. I was a skeptic in the beginning but throughout the whole experience, I am now more in tune with what my body needs and requires. I will be using Lumen every single day to understand the needs of my body. Why not? It is so easy and convenient. All you need is to breathe. Aren’t we all doing that already?

If you would like to learn about detoxing, click here for more information!


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