Tips and Tricks for Creating an Indoor-Outdoor Vertical Garden

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If you’re blessed with a green thumb but are cursed with little or no yard don’t worry—you can still put your gardening talents to good use. You’ll just need to work vertically rather than horizontally and create your own vertical garden.

Vertical gardens are all the rage. They look cute, they liven up a room, but most importantly they take up very little space. You can have an adorable little patch of green in your 5th floor, one-bedroom apartment. All you need is some imagination.

Vertical gardens are also an easy way to teach your children how to care for plants. There’s no need to toil outside in the hot sun. In fact, you can even set one up in their bedroom, as long as there is wall space available. All they need to do is water their plants regularly and watch them grow. For those of you looking for home décor, furniture, and bed and bath items to compliment your vertical garden, take a look at Horchow.


Here are a few tips on creating a vertical garden in your tiny, yardless abode.

Location and plant type go hand in hand. For example, if you want to have your vertical garden in a shady spot, consider getting plants such as staghorn ferns or crotons. However, if you have a wall that gets lots of sun, then consider succulents, begonias or even some good old fashion aloe vera, everyone in the family can use for sunburns.

Consider the size of your plants. If you want a more dramatic, jungle effect, then use large, leafy plants. You can even plant and start growing your own Poinsettia for the next holiday season. Keep in mind though that a few go a long way so don’t go overboard on them. Meanwhile, a series of small plants like succulents on part of a wall can add a nice pop of green in an otherwise dull room.

Who says you need a wall? You don’t necessarily need a free wall for your vertical garden. Why not hang your plants with a cute ceramic planter set like the one pictured? You’ll still have room to hang photos and paintings on your wall, and enjoy a little nature indoors.


Just about anything can be a planter. Toss those boring, red clay pots! As long as it’s sturdy and can hold soil, water, and a plant, anything can be converted to a planter. Many people use little metal pails. Sometimes they vary in size and color, while other times they are uniform in appearance. But why stop at pails? Try mason jars, shipping pallets, small wooden crates, old drinking glasses—it’s your garden, so be creative!

Allow room for expansion, if possible. Although there’s nothing wrong with say, just having one row or column of plants across your wall and leaving it that way, consider the possibility of expanding your collection. Don’t be afraid to add more planters to build up your green wall, just remember to leave room for your plants to grow and expand. This modular green wall set is an easy way to add new plants without worrying about lining them up perfectly each time you want to do so.

Don’t fret when some of your plants die. Even the greenest of thumbs may encounter some casualties. The beauty of a vertical garden is that it’s relatively easy to replace a dead plant. Consider having a few spares so that you can replace the dead ones as quickly as possible. As pretty as they are, missing or dead foliage tends to stand out more in a vertical garden.

Take precautions when watering your vertical garden. Some planters have holes in them to allow water to drain. If your vertical garden is in your home, this may cause quite a mess on your carpet. Some planters can be easily removed one by one for watering; however larger ones such as this pocket hanging vertical planter may pose a slight challenge. Place a towel underneath your planter to catch any water that may drain on your floor.


Vertical gardens are a fun, creative, and artful way to display plants in tiny settings. You don’t need a spacious garden to care for a collection of herbs, flowers, or other plants. You’d be surprised how much a bright burst of green can do for a drab, white wall or empty concrete balcony.

Creating a stunning vertical garden requires careful planning and the right tools. Vevor offers a wide selection of reliable equipment and supplies that can help you bring your vertical garden to life. With their quality products, your vertical gardening project will flourish with ease and beauty.

Comment and let all the mommies know what type of vertical garden you prefer and where you chose to put it!

Get your green thumb to work and keep planting!

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