
Easy Meals For Kids – Yumble Review

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There’s no shame in admitting that, as a parent, you may have lost control over mealtime with the kiddos. The fact is, 21st-century parents are busy and kids can sometimes be picky eaters. Parents have to pick their battles, and not everyone wants to fight over getting their kids to eat.

That’s why companies like Yumble are stepping up to help make mealtime for kids easier for parents. This in-depth Yumble review will give you the low-down on this time-saving product, as well as a first-hand look at how kid-friendly it is!

What Exactly Is Yumble?

Meal planning is a great tool for people with busy schedules as it reduces the stress of having to plan meals off the cuff. One of the most popular forms of meal planning is meal delivery kits. These kits are customizable boxes sent straight to your door with everything you need to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner without grocery shopping.

I like having my food delivered as much as the next person, but most of the time meal kits don’t take into account that toddlers are more likely to be pickier eaters. Plus, parents are more likely to need quicker food options to avert a child’s hangry meltdown (don’t pretend you haven’t seen one at least once).

That’s what makes Yumble different than most meal delivery subscriptions. Yumble’s model is specifically designed for children, with healthy menu options to fit their little taste buds! These kits are delivered weekly and I like that they’re ready to heat and eat without the risk of unhealthy ingredients like some store-bought brands.

How Does Yumble Work?

Yumble comes in a box of 4-12 meal trays at once depending on what amount you decide to order. Each meal comes in single, microwavable packaging that can be put in the freezer until ready to heat. The packaging is simple with microwavable plastic wrap on the top, which I found makes it user-friendly for older kids.

The schedule is set up for weekly delivery, so be sure and include the exact number of meals you and your kids will need that week. One of the best things about Yumble is that you can even skip a delivery if you have a schedule change and don’t want a drop-off that week.

The meals come in one large box that is full of dry ice. This keeps the food cold all day (or longer) just in case you are running late and can’t be home for the delivery. There’s nothing worse than a time-sensitive package being left on the porch in warmer months, and Yumble knows that.

How Much Are Yumble Meals?

We all know that helping your kiddos get fed in a timely manner is only half the battle, and staying within budget is the other half. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of Yumble meal delivery box prices:

4 Meals Per Week

  • Starting at $9.99 a meal

6 Meals Per Week

  • Starting at $7.99 per meal

8 Meals Per Week

  • Starting at $6.99 per meal

12 Meals Per Week

  • Starting at $5.99 per meal

As you can see, the more meals you purchase at once, the lower the price of individual meals. This means that the more you buy, the more you save.

Yumble Review

Now, the part you’ve all been waiting for: the review of the product!

A lot of us grew up on pre-packaged lunches or had some a few times when our parents were in a rush. While as a kid the lunches seemed fun, we all know now just how processed those foods are. That’s why we strive to give our kids healthier food options. Luckily, we don’t have to sacrifice quality for efficiency with Yumble.

I found these healthy, ready-to-heat options to be tastier than any of the microwaveable foods in the past. You can find foods such as:

  • Pepperoni & Provolone Bagel
  • French Toasts and Frittata Breakfast
  • Chicken Pot Pie Pocket
  • Perfect Pasta & Broccoli Bites

With these options and more there’s no risk of food burnout because there are plenty of different flavors to mix things up. I like that the food is high-quality in both ingredients and taste, which we all know is a major win for parents.

Try Yumble

Doing this Yumble review of the meal delivery plan taught me that it is a spot-on product for busy parents! It’s not very often that parents get to brag about how fast, easy, and hassle-free mealtime with kids is. Definitely check out their website for yourself and improve meal planning with just a few clicks!

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